Scottsdale Walk ALS 2024

Just Call Me Lou

Thank you for donating and helping us attain our ALS Walk fundraising goal! Together we can make a difference in the lives of those affected by ALS. Our team is committed to raising money to support people in our community living with ALS, their caregivers, and spread awareness of the urgency to find treatments and a cure . 

Our Story​ 

When he was diagnosed with ALS he told us “Just call me Lou”  and he kept that same light and humor until the end. Most people would be depressed when put into that situation but not him. His diagnosis didn't stop him or change him. It was a new challenge but life with him remained relatively normal all things considered. He would still yell at us, worry about us and laugh at us. I've never seen someone who couldn't speak but could say so much and say it so loudly. Using his eye brows alone he could have an entire conversation.

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